Thursday, April 09, 2020


As Goes China, So Goes All Strains of Leftism

The current virus pandemic now gives the world a focused view of the usual behavior and operations of China under the vice-grip rule of Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Maoism — Leftism:

Coercive, belligerent, and threatening. Scheming, authoritarian, and punitive.

Actively eliminating free speech and promoting disinformation. Expansionist, underhanded, and dedicated to complete domination over everyone’s life.

How is the current behavior of the Chinese Communist Party different from its actions during the takeover of Tibet? The Tiananmen Square massacre? The “Cultural Revolution?” The “Great Leap Forward?” The purges, imprisonments, “reeducation” programs, and executions?

How is the current behavior of the Chinese Communist Party different from the communist parties of the former Soviet Union? East Germany? Cuba? Cambodia? Romania? etc.

While degree and initial fervor may differ, how are the goals and actions of any imposed collectivist philosophy different from Antifa? Academic Marxists? Hollywood leftists? Or, for that matter, many Democrats today? If any of these institutions were to achieve absolute power, does anyone believe for minute that they would not act with the same coercive violence of all leftist sentiments throughout history?

Collectivist statism is the same regardless of the Label-du Jour it may go by.

While propagandists for the cause of leftism have successfully branded themselves the opposite of “racism, colonialism, and fascism,” they in fact bare remarkable similarity to all of these authoritarian systems and beliefs.

The opposite of leftism is individual freedom, limited constitutional government, and a very high degree of self government - the freedom to create, sell, buy, act, think, write, and speak as one chooses in all matters that do not impact directly and negatively upon another. The opposite of leftism is decidedly not authoritarian.

Jacobins, socialists, Marxists, fascists, Nazis, and the new Democrat party today — all on the same page in regard to how opposing views should be dealt with and liberty constrained.

...The philosophies of government cruelty and oppression. ...same as it ever was

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